Image by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Effort: ⚒⚒⚒
Cost: $$
Timeframe: ⏲⏲
Participants: Employees of all levels
This one- to two-day Design Thinking workshop can be held in-house with a specific team or with an external organization.
Design Thinking is a human-centered problem-solving technique used by companies from a broad range of fields. It is not a strictly standardized approach, and therefore can be used in a wide variety of situations. The iterative method contains several components, which vary in number and name depending on the application field. The process includes five stages, according to Stanford University’s Design Thinking method:
Diversity aspects play a role in all phases of the design thinking process. The workshop leader should point out the potential effects of implicit stereotypes and sensitize participants to diversity issues in all stages of the process.
In the long run, companies will deliver more innovative goods and services that consider the interests of various diversity groups by integrating Design Thinking into research & development. In a diversity-sensitive Design Thinking workshop, participants learn to think outside the box through different creativity techniques. Moreover, they also learn about diversity aspects in an application-oriented context.