Toolkit: Women & Diversity in Innovation

Recruitment & Career Innovation Processes Innovation & Development Teams Innovation Culture Communication & Marketing Fundamentals

Diversity is an innovation driver – if the conditions are right!

TheToolkit: Women & Diversity in Innovation supports SMEs and large organizations in adopting and fostering diversity in innovation.


For this purpose, you will find a comprehensive collection of measures and tools in the following fields of action:


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The measures and instruments provided by the Toolkit: Women & Diversity in Innovation help companies to design their research and innovation departments in a way that allows employees with various characteristics and qualities to contribute and develop their potential.

The Implementation in 5 Steps

1. Define Goals 2. Determine Current State 3. Develop Action Plan 4. Apply the Tools 5. Measure Success Overview

The implementation of the toolkit consists of five steps:

  1. Define your goals and coordinate them with your organization’s strategies and mission statements.
  2. Determine the current state regarding the defined goals.
  3. Develop an action plan in which you derive specific steps of action from your goals and plan their implementation.
  4. Introduce the selected instruments.
  5. Measure progress using pre-defined qualitative and quantitative performance indicators.


The toolkit was developed at the Institute for Research and Development of Collaborative Processes at FHNW School of Applied Psychology. Six innovative companies took part in the pilot to develop the toolkit. The Federal Office for Gender Equality has supported the project with financial aid according to the Gender Equality Act.