Gender Extended Research and Development Model (GERD)

Effort: ⚒⚒


Timeframe: ⏲⏲

Participants: Informatics research & software development teams


The Gender Extended Research and Development model (GERD) is an approach that enables teams – especially in the field of information technology development - to consider, record, and integrate gender and diversity aspects at every stage of planning and processing within a project. You can download extensive materials on this topic from the website of the University of Bremen.

The background of the GERD model is the idea of integrating support in gender- and diversity-sensitive innovation directly into work processes and into the existing approaches of individuals and companies. In this way, the traditional system can be enriched and expanded in the context of innovation without requiring a fundamental restructuring of previous work and processes.


By including gender and diversity aspects in research & development in the field of informatics as well as software development processes, blind spots get uncovered, and team members can intervene by making targeted adjustments in the workflow. The new perspective triggers a process of self-reflection and improvement, which initially ties up resources. In the long run, however, the application of the GERD model contributes to better use of the innovation potential in diverse teams and more creative solutions.

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