Inclusive Design of Job Profiles

Image by Brett Sayles on Pexels




Participants: HR, Communications


Inclusive language in job profiles prevents (often unintentional) discrimination of certain diversity groups. In particular, the job title and the body of the text should be written in a gender-neutral way. When formulating text, digital tools or a manual for inclusive language can support the process. The job profile must be available in all languages that candidates should speak according to the job profile requirements.

In illustrations, ensure a balanced representation of diversity concerning visible characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, and physical limitations. Generally, pictures should be job-related and reflect the actual requirements and conditions in the workplace. However, if underrepresented groups’ applications are desired, these characteristics can be highlighted.


Openings must be advertised internally and externally to attract the best individuals and ensure that the workforce is as diverse as possible. The design of a job profile has a significant impact on the diversity and quality of applications. The consistent use of inclusive language and communication through multiple recruiting channels attracts the most diverse pool of candidates possible.

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