
Image by Eden Constantino on Unsplash

Effort: ⚒⚒


Timeframe: ⏲⏲

Participants: Innovation Teams


"Scrum" is a complex framework for the self-organization of teams, which is applied to complex development tasks. As an "agile" organization of project groups, Scrum is widely used in the area of technical innovations, but can also be used for other innovation goals. In Scrum teams, there are the following roles:


  • "Product Owner": he/she defines the requirements and documents for their implementation in the so-called "Product Backlog"
  • Innovation Team: it organizes itself and is responsible for achieving the sprint goals
  • "Scrum Master": he/she coordinates the processes, moderates in case of internal conflicts, and reduces disturbances from outside

The innovation team should be as diverse as possible in interdisciplinarity/professional skills and other characteristics.



Scrum enables a transparent design and an efficient implementation of innovation processes, which are often iterative. Provided that the existing company culture allows for flat hierarchies and personal responsibility, Scrum can support the distribution of project responsibility across multiple shoulders. Openness and respect form core values of the approach and contribute to equal opportunities and mutual acceptance in diversely composed innovation teams.

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