Posts tagged with "Inclusive HR Management"

Anonymized Job Application Procedures
⚒ | $ | ⏲ | Anonymized application procedures help minimize the influence of unconscious stereotypes in the recruitment process and can help fill vacancies with the most suitable candidates. This measure will contribute to greater success and diversity in the workforce in the long run.

⚒⚒ | $$ | ⏲⏲ | Through awareness training, managers and employees in research & development become aware of the impact of (perceived) diversity characteristics on their attitudes. Participants are also exposed to alternative viewpoints and taught how to deal constructively with stereotypes and biases in the workplace.

Checklist: Gender & Diversity in Education and Training
⚒ | $ | ⏲ | A checklist on diversity helps teachers with prior knowledge to design their lessons inclusively and to encourage their students to think critically. It facilitates the implementation of inclusive language and increases the visibility of different diversity groups in the classroom.

Diversity Competence Training
⚒⚒ | $$ | ⏲⏲ | Within the framework of diversity competence training, managers and employees in the research & development field gain knowledge concerning diversity aspects in the working environment. Participants learn how to incorporate diversity management approaches into their daily practices and creative processes. In the long run, diversity competence in the workplace helps create an inclusive innovation culture and the comprehensive promotion of innovation processes.

Diversity in Recruitment Channels
⚒ | $ | ⏲ | Openings should be advertised internally and externally to attract the best individuals and ensure that the workforce is as diverse as possible. Disseminating inclusive job profiles across multiple recruiting channels targets different diversity groups and attracts the largest possible pool of applicants.

Flexible Working Conditions: Comvation
The choice of flexible working times and locations in particular support employees in managing their professional tasks and family commitments. With coworking spaces, Comvation provides its employees with additional space that enables focused work close to their homes. In line with greater flexibility in working times, the general core hours in which availability is expected have been adjusted and adapted to individual working styles regarding the respective activity.

Flexitime & Flexiplace
⚒ | $ | ⏲⏲ | Innovative work generally demands a high degree of creativity and initiative from employees. Flexible working hours (“flexitime”) and locations (“flexiplace”) allow them to adapt work conditions to their individual needs. These options should be equally accessible to all employees unless their job requires fixed hours of attendance.

Inclusive Design of Job Profiles
⚒ | $ | ⏲ | Openings must be advertised internally and externally to attract the best individuals and ensure that the workforce is as diverse as possible. The consistent use of inclusive language and communication through multiple recruiting channels attracts the most diverse pool of candidates possible.

Job-Sharing & Top-Sharing
⚒ | $ | ⏲⏲ | Job sharing allows workers in the innovation field to take on challenging tasks while still balancing their work and personal lives. Mutual representation requires a greater degree of information transfer and highly specified processes. This necessity contributes to standardizing repeated processes by improving the flow of information in general.

Objective Promotion Criteria
⚒ | $ | ⏲⏲⏲ | All performance and suitability indicators that can be uniformly specified and that are observable/measurable at the personal level can serve as objective promotion criteria. Objective promotion criteria raise the probability that the most qualified individuals will be appointed to expert and responsible roles. They increase the transparency of promotion decisions, resulting in higher acceptance of such decisions and a fairer perception overall.

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