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Posts tagged with "Diversity in Management Positions"

Diverse Representation in Decision-Making Bodies
⚒⚒ | $ | ⏲⏲⏲ | Important committees and decision-making bodies, such as the executive board and board of directors, often form homogenous groups regarding social and cultural characteristics. Intentionally diverse recruitment for influential positions may avoid the negative consequences of a group dynamic in homogeneous groups (e.g., “groupthink”). Diversely composed decision-making bodies are more likely to make more reasonable long-term decisions and react quickly to changes.

Diversity in Recruitment Channels
⚒ | $ | ⏲ | Openings should be advertised internally and externally to attract the best individuals and ensure that the workforce is as diverse as possible. Disseminating inclusive job profiles across multiple recruiting channels targets different diversity groups and attracts the largest possible pool of applicants.

Inclusive Design of Job Profiles
⚒ | $ | ⏲ | Openings must be advertised internally and externally to attract the best individuals and ensure that the workforce is as diverse as possible. The consistent use of inclusive language and communication through multiple recruiting channels attracts the most diverse pool of candidates possible.

Job-Sharing & Top-Sharing
⚒ | $ | ⏲⏲ | Job sharing allows workers in the innovation field to take on challenging tasks while still balancing their work and personal lives. Mutual representation requires a greater degree of information transfer and highly specified processes. This necessity contributes to standardizing repeated processes by improving the flow of information in general.

Objective Promotion Criteria
⚒ | $ | ⏲⏲⏲ | All performance and suitability indicators that can be uniformly specified and that are observable/measurable at the personal level can serve as objective promotion criteria. Objective promotion criteria raise the probability that the most qualified individuals will be appointed to expert and responsible roles. They increase the transparency of promotion decisions, resulting in higher acceptance of such decisions and a fairer perception overall.

Quota Regulations
⚒ | $ | ⏲⏲⏲ | A quota system gives priority to members of underrepresented diversity groups within the company who are equally qualified, to increase their share in important roles in the long term. On the one hand, quota regulations can reduce the influence of unconscious stereotypes in the selection process. On the other, they encourage members of underrepresented diversity groups to apply for positions of responsibility by providing incentives for proactive career advancement.

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